- Disaster Prevention
- Disaster Information
- Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain - Aug 2019
- Disaster Prevention
- Multilingual disaster support
Disaster Prevention
- Multilingual guide books and useful phrases for emergency and disaster situations such as earthquakes and typhoons.
- Disaster Prevention Guidebook for Foreign Residents
- Q&A style information guide for disasters (earthquakes etc.) based on common questions from foreigners to foreigner assistance groups.
- Assistance Manual for Foreigners in Times of Disaster
- Automatic translation system for terms to use at evacuation shelters in case of a disaster.(14 Languages Available)。
- CLAIR Automatic translation system for disaster terms
Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain – Aug 2019
we(SPIRA) provide information about disasters in multiple languages.
(please click the links below for more information.)
Multilingual disaster support
When a disaster happens, we upload the information here